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Reentry Permit Application

Green Card Holders traveling abroad are subject to different regulations than U.S. citizens. USCIS views time spent abroad as a determinant of the Green Card holder’s intention to keep their permanent resident status. Depending on the length of their trip, a reentry permit may be required. Failure to comply with regulations set forth by the United States could result in severe implications, such as deportation. Therefore, it is recommended to review the Reentry Permit for Green Card Holders Information and Application Guidein order to ensure compliance.

  • Start Application Immediately
  • Easy to Understand Instructions
  • Apply Online or by Mail
  • Pricing and Fee Information Included
  • Checklist of Required Documents
  • Unlimited Online Support

What’s included

  • Reentry Permit overview
  • Traveling with a conditional Green Card
  • Traveling with a permanent Green Card
  • How to apply for a Reentry Permit
  • How to apply for a Reentry Permit Visa from abroad
  • Explanation of the difference between 6, 12,and 24 month stays abroad
  • How long can Green Card holders stay outside of the United States?
  • Eligibility Information
  • List of Required Documents
  • Information on Filing Fees
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • List of USCIS Offices Nationwide
  • Directory of U.S. Embassies and Consulates
  • Information on how to obtain the latest United States immigration forms

Download Reentry Permit for Green Card Holders Guide for more information

Green Card holders may stay abroad for longer periods of time if a Reentry Permit or Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes is approved. The reentry application process may take some time to be processed, and it is recommended to apply early. U.S. law does not require travelers to have a Reentry Permit in their possession when they leave the United States; however, travelers must apply for the permit before they leave the United States. The problem with applying for a reentry permit and leaving the country before it is approved is that the application may be denied. This will lead to additional problems upon return to the United States.

Important Notice for Green Card holders planning on applying for U.S. citizenship:  Green Card holders must fulfill a residency requirement before they can apply for United States citizenship, and the time spent abroad does not count towards this requirement. However, Green Card holders may submit the “Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes.” For more information about traveling with a Green Card and how to apply for a Reentry Permit, it is recommended to order the Reentry Permit for Green Card Holders Application Guide.

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