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How to Change Your Name in the United States

How to Change Your Name in the United States: Whether your desire to change your name is due to marriage, divorce, adoption, transgender identification or simply a desire to have a more pleasing name, the process to change your name doesn’t need to be costly and complicated. Each state has specific guidelines as to how to change your name using the legal process. From preparing to file the petition to your expected testimony in court, common issues are discussed in an easy-to-read format to help you prepare and succeed in the name-change process.

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What’s included

  • Overview of the name change application process
  • Common reasons for name change
  • Types of names
  • Choosing a new name
  • Name change after marriage
  • Name change after divorce
  • Name change for children
  • Name change after adoption
  • Basics for filing a petition with the court
  • When do you need a lawyer?
  • What to do after you have changed your name
  • Checklist after name change
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Links to courts and government agencies
  • General information about fees and fee waivers
  • Adobe Acrobat Help

Download How to Change Your Name in the United States Guide for more information

“How to Change Your Name in the United States” is a comprehensive guide that gives you the tools you need to legally change your name, and a checklists of important things to do after you have received your new name. You will find links to state-court filing information. In addition there are links to other government agencies which you might need to contact, such as IRS, Social Security Administration, United States Citizen and Immigration Services, and United States Postal Service.

Whether or not you chose to hire an attorney to assist with your name change petition, the “How to Change Your Name in the United States” guide will make your name change process easier to understand.

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