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Immigration Medical Exam Guide (incl. List of Approved Doctors)

The Immigration Medical Exam is necessary for individuals who wish to adjust status in the United States or apply for an immigrant visa abroad. It is not possible to obtain an immigrant visa or adjust status without a medical examination. The medical exam must be conducted by a doctor approved by the USCIS. A complete list of approved immigration doctors can be found in the Immigration Medical Exam Guide available for instant download on this page. Proof of treatment or follow up tests must be provided before the application of temporary or permanent residency is approved. Children may be subject to additional immunization requirements. Medical examinations are generally valid for 12 months. Individuals that are legal residents but changing status to U.S. citizens may be required to re-take the immigrant medical exam. The medical examination must be completed before you can adjust status or obtain an immigrant visa. The Medical Exam Information Guide provides answers to all of your question relating to medical exams for immigration purposes.

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What’s included

  • List of USCIS approved immigration doctors
  • Panel physician checklist
  • Immigration Medical Exam clearance requirements
  • Immigration Medical Exam forms for examination within the United States
  • Immigration Medical Exam forms for examination outside of the United States
  • Information on how to obtain the latest United States immigration forms

Immigration Medical Examinations are required for the following applications within the United States:

Download Immigration Medical Exam Guide (incl. List of Approved Doctors) for more information

Immigration Medical Examinations are required for the following applications outside of the United States:

  • Individuals applying for immigrant visas (Green

About the Immigration Medical Examination:

  • The purpose is to evaluate whether you have certain diseases that require further treatment
  • You may be asked to complete more tests at different health offices if needed
  • Only civil surgeons designated by the USCIS may perform medical examinations
  • The US immigration doctor must sign and endorse the form before it is returned to you
  • In case you have performed X-rays, you should be provided with the films once you are cleared

Medical Test that May Be Required:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis for applicants 15 years or older
  • HIV (blood test)
  • Gonorrhea
  • Mental defect
  • Narcotic drug addiction
  • Psychopathic personality
  • Chancroid
  • Lymphogranuloma venerum
  • Granuloma inguinal
  • USCIS approved immunizations

About the Results:

  • Your results will be presented to an immigration officer
  • Your results may be shared with certain health departments
  • Your results may be shared with other public health authorities

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