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How to Immigrate to the United States

The How to Immigrate to the United States Information and Application Guide is designed to help future immigrants understand U.S. immigration laws and help them determine how they can qualify to immigrate to the United States. U.S. Immigration law can be complicated, and some intending immigrants may have background issues that prevent them from entering the U.S. This Immigration Guide discusses some of the potential inadmissibility issues, and lists a number of waivers that the U.S. government can offer for some of these issues. For other future immigrants, How to Immigrate to the United States can be a guide to help them find the best road to a new life in the United States.

  • Start Application Immediately
  • Easy to Understand Instructions
  • Apply Online or by Mail
  • Pricing and Fee Information Included
  • Checklist of Required Documents
  • Unlimited Online Support

What’s included

  • Overview of the U.S. Immigration System
  • Overview of visa categories and visa types
  • How to qualify for a Immigrant or non-immigrant visa
  • The process of applying for a Green Card through sponsorship of a U.S. citizen
  • Applying for a Green Card through employment in the U.S.
  • Where to find current filing fees
  • Filing locations for visa applications
  • Documents required in the application process
  • Eligibility Information
  • How to get permission to work while an application is being processed
  • How to apply from an embassy or consulate overseas
  • How to apply from within the United States
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • List of USCIS Offices Nationwide
  • Directory of U.S. Embassies and Consulates
  • Information on how to obtain the latest United States immigration forms

Download Immigrating to the US – How To guide for more information

Most people who come to the United States enter the country on a nonimmigrant visa or an immigrant visa. Non-immigrant visa holders are people who visit the U.S. temporarily, for business, pleasure, employment, academics, and as representatives of foreign governments or international organizations. Immigrant visas, on the other hand, are for people who want to make the United States their new home, where they wish to work and live permanently. The U.S. government mainly issue immigrant visas based on applicants’ employment status or qualifying familial relationships.

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