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Green Card and U.S. Citizenship Package

The Green Card and U.S. Citizenship Package includes the Green Card Application Guide and the U.S. Citizenship Application Guide.

The Green Card and U.S. Citizenship Package is a comprehensive package and contains everything you need to know about applying for a Green Card and U.S. citizenship, including easy to understand application instructions, requirements, and all applicable forms.

  • Start Application Immediately
  • Easy to Understand Instructions
  • Apply Online or by Mail
  • Pricing and Fee Information Included
  • Checklist of Required Documents
  • Unlimited Online Support

Part 1: Green Card Application

  • Green Card overview
  • How to qualify for a Green Card
  • How to obtain a Green Card through Adoption
  • How to obtain a Green Card through Employment
  • How to obtain a Green Card through Investment
  • How to obtain a Green Card through Marriage
  • How to obtain a Green Card through a Relative
  • How to obtain a Green Card as a Special Immigrant
  • How to apply if you are already in the United States
  • How to apply if you are outside the United States
  • Green Card Interview Information
  • Explanation of the difference between a conditional and permanent Green Card
  • Traveling with a Conditional Green Card and Permanent Green Card
  • Information about reentry permits for Green Card holders
  • Eligibility Information
  • List of Required Documents
  • Information on Filing Fees
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • List of USCIS Offices Nationwide
  • Directory of U.S. Embassies and Consulates
  • Information on how to obtain the latest United States immigration forms

Part 2: Citizenship Application

  • Overview of the U.S. Citizenship Application Process
  • Benefits of United States Citizenship
  • Responsibilities of a United States Citizen
  • Understanding the U.S. Naturalization Process
  • Application Waivers, Exceptions and Special Cases
  • The Oath of Allegiance
  • Sample Citizenship Test, incl. Questions and Answers
  • Eligibility Information
  • List of Required Documents
  • Information on Filing Fees
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • List of USCIS Offices Nationwide
  • Directory of U.S. Embassies and Consulates
  • Information on how to obtain the latest United States immigration forms

Download Green Card and U.S. Citizenship Package Guide for more information

About U.S. Citizenship: Citizenship is the status given to a legal member of the country. It involves rights, duties and privileges. U.S. citizenship is usually acquired by birth when the child is born in the territory of the United States. This is provided under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

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